SUCCESS STORIES of the #DogMeatTrade survivors

Over 3,000 dogs sent to the homes in the US and Canada.
SaveKoreanDogs started sending dogs out of Korea since 2013 because local adoption is not safe.
The dogs fly after receiving basic veterinary care such as vaccinations, spaying/neutering, deworming and health check. Sometimes heartworm positive are being treated which takes a month to six weeks depending on the stages. *FYI, those less than a year old do not have heartworm.

As for vaccinations, the vets administer Rabies and DHPP vaccinations according to the US and Canada quarantine regulations. Dogs are spayed/neutered (with the exception of less than 6 months old). Sometimes puppies get anti-parvo shots if less than 4 months old. Most of the dogs are traumatized, if not timid, they are not potty trained.

Some of the dogs are fostered abroad- which means they are already in Canada or USA. Some of these foster homes are organised through relationships with rescue groups working together with the Org over the years.